Winter in Minnesota is supposed to be cold and snowy, but we've been cheated of our snow and freezing temps the last few years. Those native to Minnesota know of the St. Paul Winter Carnival, a long standing traditional celebration of snow and cold in the Twin Cities. A medallion is hidden in one of the parks with daily hints as to its location given in the newspaper; the Vulcans cause mischief (and sometimes havoc) as they carouse through the week's various activities; Klondike Kates audition and then perform their fat and sassy singing roles; ice sculptures are carved and judged; ice fishing contests are scheduled; and fun is to be had by all. The most profound Winter Carnival activity occurs in the years that an ice castle is made from blocks of ice.
This year, however, balmy temps have come early wreaking havoc with Winter Carnival activies. The ice sculptures melted before they could be carved; the snow has melted; and it rained all day today! It wasn't even freezing rain! Thankfully, no ice castle was planned for this year as it too would have become a puddle of water instead of the glorious edifice it is in years that we have normal winter temperatures.