If you've skidded by my site at 60 mph (see my billboard post) and just HAPPEN to stay long enough to read; and just HAPPEN to like what you read, you can add me to your RSS Feed. Yup, you heard me. RSS Feed.
If you don't know what RSS feed is, don't despair. Feeling dumb is part of the initiation for the tech challenged. Just one year ago I had never heard of blogs, had never tried to design my own website, and barely knew what E-Bay was, much less what an RSS feed was. This last year has made "feeling dumb" about technology a way of life for me! For the tech impaired, RSS stands for "Real Simple Syndication" and allows the RSS subscriber (that's me or you!) to be notified when a new post is submitted on a blog, website, news service, etc., of their choice. As far as the "real simple" part of it, the creator of this torture device must have meant "real simple" AFTER you figure it out! Struggling through installation of a free RSS reader with no step by step instructions is sheer madness. Sleuthing out the addresses for sites that participate in RSS is definitely not "real simple". BUT, once you get the sites set up on an RSS reader, they pop up on the side of your screen when a new post is added. What a deal. Some mastermind must have created this system to separate the "haves" and the "have nots"! I'm determined to be a "have"!
Just a little footnote to the tech savvy who know what an RSS feed is . . . the orange chicklet for the RSS feed is at the bottom of the left side bar. For the not so tech savvy, chicklet is a term for a small little picture (like the one in this post that's orange in this case). If you have a "reader" you can click on the little picture and get this blog via RSS feed.