I was reading another REALTOR's blog today and thought I'd share it. Lynne Mercer from Palo Alto, California, describes a typical week for a REALTOR. I'm not going to re-invent the wheel as she put it very well. During our peak seasons that is how we work. During the slow seasons (Minnesota has a slow season because of the weather. No one wants to move when it's cold and snowy!) we work on generating more business for the peak season. So, maybe in the winter, we get some sleep. Otherwise, it's catch as catch can. If you want to see what a REALTOR's life is like, check out Lynne's blog.
Bonnie you wrote:
"So, maybe in the winter, we get some sleep. Otherwise, it's catch as catch can. If you want to see what a REALTOR's life is like check out Lynne's blog."
Between you and Mark Jay I am starting to believe REALTORSĀ® in frozen areas like MN, WI really do hibernate. Good thing you are getting ready for the coming "season." I believe our season may have started on Presidents Day. One of my listings got 4 showings Monday and "an offer." The seller said "what's going on?" Some years "the season" starts after the Super Bowl, some years ground hogs day... A couple of years it started off January 2, hot and heavy.
Posted by: Maureen McCabe | December 22, 2006 at 05:06 PM