• Bonnie Erickson, REALTORĀ® in the Minneapolis and Saint Paul area of Minnesota can be contacted by phone at 612-419-1829 or by e-mail


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February 22, 2006


Maureen McCabe

Bonnie you wrote:
"So, maybe in the winter, we get some sleep. Otherwise, it's catch as catch can. If you want to see what a REALTOR's life is like check out Lynne's blog."

Between you and Mark Jay I am starting to believe REALTORSĀ® in frozen areas like MN, WI really do hibernate. Good thing you are getting ready for the coming "season." I believe our season may have started on Presidents Day. One of my listings got 4 showings Monday and "an offer." The seller said "what's going on?" Some years "the season" starts after the Super Bowl, some years ground hogs day... A couple of years it started off January 2, hot and heavy.

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