Violent crime to individuals seems to be increasing. Regrettably, real estate agents have become the target of personal attacks in recent years as well. The public often doesn't think about a REALTOR'S vulnerability on the job, but WE do! More and more security procedures are being initiated by both genders. Safeguards include:
- Have the first meeting with a prospective client in the office.
- Copy the prospect's driver's license for identification purposes.
- Conduct open houses with a relative or colleague.
- Leave a showing itinerary and client's contact info with a trusted person when showing houses.
- Phone check in at beginning and end of appointments.
- Never show a vacant house to a prospect you haven't met unless accompanied by someone.
- Do a criminal check on the prospect.
- Trust your gut instincts!
The latest report I heard was not local to Minnesota. It involved a male REALTOR who met a couple at a house under the guise of wanting to see the house. The couple kidnapped him at gunpoint, stole his keypad for the electronic lockbox entry, and threatened to harm him if he didn't give them the keypad code. He had the forethought to give a fictitious code, but was fearful they would try the code while he was still captive. He was held for several hours during which his car was used for transportation. Fortunately, he did eventually escape. This agent posted a warning to other professionals to adhere to their safety procedures. He had ignored his own rules of not meeting a "prospect" the first time at a house, and ended up suffering as a result.
Other dangers exist for real estate agents just because they are out in communities. REALTORS are exposed to theft of material items (purses, cell phones, laptops, PDA's, money, cars, etc.), solicitation by drug dealers, attempted fraud, assault, etc. I've even had drug dealers come to my window when I have been stopped for a red light! More and more agents have taken personal safety classes as a protection against these threats.
So, when the agent you're interviewing asks to see ID or meet in his/her office the first time or comes accompanied by an "assistant', don't take offense. As licensed professionals we are taking wise steps to protect ourselves from society's ills!