Last week the Sellsius guys did 50 blog entries in one day. It was fun to read. The feat boggled my mind. As so often happens when one has completed a marathon (like I would know!), punchiness set in, and Rudy and Joe mentioned a blogathon contest. As they bantered about the contest, 100 plus 1 post for good measure in 24 hours became the goal. Unless you're a blogger you have no concept of the challenge in that statement. Every blogoholic on the planet heard the challenge and their minds started rolling. Could I do it? 101 . . . Wow. That's one post every 14+ minutes or a little more than 4 posts per hour. Rudy and Joe knew it was tough. They had managed 50 already and were only half serious about the blogathon until two crazy bloggers came forward. History was set yesterday when 102 posts were entered on the participants' respective blogs. Our congratulations to Ardell and Greg for this demonstration of their competitive tenacity! Greg finished 100 posts hours before the time limit but like every gentleman, spent the time patiently waiting for Ardell to finish in the ladies room before posting his last entry (about coffee makers, no less!) minutes before the 24 hour deadline. They both crossed the finish line in time and with accolades from the rest of us (faint hearted chickens all).
The prize? They have been invited to join the Sellsius 12 step program for blogoholics!
Just reading it tired me out. But it was fun. I particularly enjoyed Jon (the property monger's) play by play.
I never actually did the math on posts per hour. Wooo. That puts it in a new perspective. Glad I didn't throw my hat in the ring when they issued the challenge.
Posted by: Maureen Francis | September 27, 2006 at 09:46 PM
This is the best recounting of the story I have read so far. Years from now if someone wants to know how the craziness started I hope they find your post. You blogoholic, you're a charter member :)
Posted by: jf.sellsius | September 27, 2006 at 11:09 AM