Some tenants don't know when enough is enough. My honey is a mild mannered Clark Kent type until he gets pushed too far. Last night a tenant did just that. He pushed and pushed on the phone and then made the mistake of hanging up on TLH (the loving husband). I would have loved to be a fly on the wall when super husband ended up in the tenant's unit. Disrespect is something TLH will not tolerate. Hanging up in the middle of a conversation or honking from the street are in the bucket of disrespectful actions he cannot abide. If a tenant has a legitimate dispute with another tenant in the building, hanging up on the owner/landlord is not the action to take!
It turns out that Mr. Disrespectful was upset because there was not a parking place for his car behind the building. There were lots of spaces on the street, but one tenant had taken two places (only one allowed) and Mr. Disrespectul was demanding the other car be moved instantly. There was a tight space open, but he didn't want to use that one. Prior to TLH's arrival (just 2 minutes) or even before the phone call to us, Mr. Disresptful had kicked and pounded on the other tenant's door to get them to move the car (We will be checking for damage.). It was below zero and the second car would not start which is why it was stuck in the lot. Mr. Disrespectful didn't care. It had to be moved now! TLH was met at the door with, "We're moving!" to which TLH replied, "I'll take your 30 day notice now. I can easily rent this unit to someone else for at least $150 more than I'm collecting from you. Besides you're late on your rent." Mr. Disrespectful didn't care. He was in a huff. What he doesn't know is that he is on borrowed time. Too many more encounters like this with my Clark Kent husband will find this tenant eating his threats. He will be moving on.
And some people wonder why property management isn't for everyone!