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March 22, 2007


Debbie DiFonzo

Stealing of copper in vacant homes in Missouri is very popular. There is hardly a day that goes by without a blurb of such in the newspaper. These are not only foreclosures, but vacant for a variety of reasons.

Bonnie Erickson

Interesting, Steve. More of my tax dollars chasing criminals!

Stephen Gross

There was a good article in NYT recently about vacant housing and property crime. It pointed out that in Shaker Hts (Ohio), the city is actively maintaining vacant properties, in many cases installing security equipment to deter theft.

Bonnie Erickson

Linda, Not only is there a rise in foreclosed houses, but the increase in the copper prices makes the copper found in a penny worth more melted down, than when it is a penny!

Linda Davis

I just read this week about some recent thefts in our area of Connecticut. With the rise of foreclosure homes, I suspect it is going to become a bigger problem here.

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