There are manholes, gopher holes, golf holes, mouse holes, worm holes, electron holes, black holes, swimming holes, bullet holes, and every spring, potholes! Do you think potholes only occur in Minnesota? Not a chance! The rest of the world in most any climate shares the wonderful pleasure of sinking into potholes in the road. Because the hole may start with weakening asphalt in the road, freezing and thawing water can decay the asphalt even more causing the hole to appear. Minnesotans know that spring is our pothole season. Soon after pothole season follows road construction. It's all a harbinger of warmer weather and long awaited sunny days.
The Minnesota Department of Transportation has a video clip on the birth of a pothole at this site.
You can report needed pothole repairs, especially if your teeth got jarred on the way to work, by going to each of the following sites: