The Renaissanceasaurus boldly emblazons the corner of Wabasha and Kellogg. Created by the Renaissance Artist Troupe, no detail is omitted . . . except I couldn't find the soft spot in which to shoot my arrow to fell this great behemoth. (Oh, that's dragons, not dinosaurs. I forgot!) Chain mail adorns most of the exposed body. If this detail appeals to you, you might want to visit the Renaissance Festival itself for a grand time of fun, frivolity, and participation in yesteryear!
Carole, This one rivals the dragon dinosaur that I had in first place before. I think they are currently tied.
Posted by: Bonnie Erickson | September 21, 2007 at 08:55 PM
Okay, this one wins my vote, hands down! It is so wonderful!
Posted by: Carole Cohen | August 28, 2007 at 07:32 PM