More than two thousand pounds of plaster came out of this room. The lucky house is probably sighing in relief from the removal of so much weight! This was the smallest bedroom. Imagine how much weight came out of the bigger rooms we've already done.
Our family rule is to finish each room before we move to the next. Two more coats of taping mud need to be applied followed by primer and paint before this room meets that criteria. However, a change in circumstances sometimes makes us bend the rules. Unexpected unemployment has put lots of spare time in my honey's hands. Demolition costs very little but time. Consequently the honey's time can be wisely spent with a pry bar and lots of Glad bags to haul away the debris! It costs little and keeps him occupied. Maybe our schedule of one room a year will be doubled up this year! Maybe we can get both done before Thanksgiving! One thing is for sure, the plaster dust will be long gone by the time the holidays come!
Here's our next project. The closet is done, but it's still going to be time consuming as the brick chimney has to be carefully removed (It's no longer in use.). Our hope is to recycle the bricks for future use as pillars in our flower garden.
Jay, The home will be fine when 10 years has passed. It's ironic that every time we get stalled for time, my honey gets laid off. It's amazing how little time it takes to do the project when he's well rested.
Carole, We're under construction for 10 years so it's not unusual to see it begin again. I only let the honey have a few days rest before we move on!
Posted by: Bonnie Erickson | October 04, 2007 at 12:48 PM
I am so impressed - last year this time there was rehabbing going on as well. The room looks larger and more finished already. Can't wait to see what shape those pillars take!
Posted by: Carole Cohen | October 04, 2007 at 12:03 AM
Aaah, the joys of really remodeling a fine home. Gotta love it.
Posted by: Jay Merton | October 03, 2007 at 08:02 PM