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« Doom and Gloom Will End Someday | Main | My View of the Market »

October 23, 2007


Bonnie Erickson

Oh, Linda, you hit the nail on the head. And Chris, Siberia and Power Point presentations is a great visual. I have never been so bored as when . . .


Nice informative blog, Your references are useful.

Linda Davis

NAR is becoming an embarassment with their rosy outlooks they are forced to adjust every month.

Christopher Smith

This is why I'm not big on listening to the "experts" - particularly when they're economists spinning their view of the future. This is exacerbated when the “expert” represents an industry group like NAR.

I’d take issue with your comment that you have “no right to cast a judgment” based on the fact that you’re not an economics – your view of things is every bit as sound as Lawrence Yun’s.

To know what’s going to happen in 2008 will require correctly predicting what happens with the subprime market, consumer confidence, the sinking dollar, oil prices, the war in the Middle East, and a myriad of other factors. So forget the economists, especially the ones paid by the National Association of Realtors. I wish we could ship them all off to Siberia where they could all make PowerPoint slides and present them to each other.

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