Minnesotans love to brag about their weather. A camaraderie is formed by having survived frigid temperatures walking barefoot three miles to school in the blizzard uphill both ways! It's a Minnesota joke. Yah, you betcha.
Well, St. Paul is experiencing some of those "brag about" days this weekend (and of course, I had to show houses!). A true thirteen degrees below zero with wind that makes it feel twenty degrees colder is truly worth bragging rights. Since I'm a hardy St. Paul woman I thought this beautiful sunny day was a perfect day for pictures of downtown St. Paul and the river. After my house tour was done, a side trip to Mounds Park captured some interesting snow sprites dancing on the icy river surface.
The tendrils of snow looked just like steam, but believe me. It was too cold for steam to be rising above the crystalline surface of the river. What appear to be waves is actually the surface of the river frozen in a wave pattern.
Even at four below, there were six other cars parked in the lot, their inhabitants enjoying the clear sunny afternoon. We St. Paul Minnesotans are a hardy bunch! Yah, you betcha!
I'm with you, Jack. I am so ready for spring!
Posted by: Bonnie Erickson | February 15, 2008 at 01:24 AM
There are times when the Macho-Minnesotan quits laughing at the snow and sub-zero temperatures and longs for spring--this is that time! Today I came home from work, patted Daisy on the head, got out the snow blower, checked the remaining gas supply and wondered which would run out first, the snow, or the gas can. My money's on the can.
Ahhh! The beautiful north country spring--just around the corner. Exactly which corner? I haven't a clue.
Posted by: Jack Boardman | February 14, 2008 at 06:24 PM
I do, I do, I do remember why I moved to Florida.
Posted by: Nightwatch | February 14, 2008 at 03:42 PM
Jennifer, It was such a perfect day that I made the trip especially to take cityscapes of St. Paul. I got some pretty good ones although I was facing west with the sun in the southwest. We'll see what they end up looking like when I've got a bit of time to do my editing. It would have been a perfect day to get shot of the Cathedral as well. I've done the tour and taken pix but didn't like how they turned out. The Cathedral's more impressive than my pictures made it look!
Posted by: Bonnie Erickson | February 11, 2008 at 09:55 PM
I was at the Cathedral Sunday for my Rite of Election into the Catholic church and it was such a beautiful day in Saint Paul. We drove in on Smith street and the city scape was sooooo picture perfect. However since we had guests I wasn't able to jump out of the car and spend the next few minutes taking some shots. :(
Posted by: Jennifer Kirby | February 11, 2008 at 04:39 PM