Maureen McCabe, from the cow town of Columbus, is my fairy blog-mother. That means that without Maureen, Real Estate Snippets would never have been born. It was never my intention to write a blog as a marketing tool or for any other purpose. My blogging started because Maureen wrote on a list-serve in which we both participated that I should be a blogger. I didn't even know what a blog was. The radio commentators occasionally mentioned blogs, but I didn't have the faintest clue. That was the fall of 2006. Maureen had been blogging alone for a whole year. Maureen kept at me like a flea on a dog. Nip, nip, nip until her blogging idea became a question in my mind. Should I check it out? She gave me some suggestions of free places to start and thus was born Real Estate Snippets.
So, now, Maureen is pestering me again by tagging me for a meme. It's not like this meme hasn't been here before. How many times can I answer 7 things about myself? Meme tag is part of the blogging world, however, and once tagged, you're it. I'm it this time, so here goes:
- I like the challenge of learning new things, especially things that I need to be creative to learn. Once I've figured out the puzzle, however, I'm easily bored.
- I remember when a pound of hamburger was $.19 and a quarter pound Baby Ruth candy bar was $.25.
- My most boring job was watching tellers count money designated for destruction at the Federal Reserve Bank. The tellers counted and we had to make sure they didn't steal any.
- My father was a "preacher man" so we moved a lot and never lived in our own homes. As a result, my husband and I were the first on both sides of the family to buy our own home.
- I'm an accomplished seamstress having copied designer clothing for my children, created wedding and bridesmaids' gowns, swimsuits, blue jeans, lingerie, snowsuits, etc., throughout my lifetime. My first stitches were made with a treadle sewing machine.
- I own and play with a Webkinz named "Ducky". He's a Google but looks like a platypus to me. It's annoying that I can only search for gems once a day!
- I was not allowed to drive a car until I could change all four of the tires on that car. My first tire changing experience was on a 1967 nine passenger station wagon, when cars were actually made of metal. It was quite the heavy beast to jack up by hand.
I tag:
- Mollie Wasserman, author and creator of the "Internet Warning"
- Tracy Santrock, from "down under"
- Dean Moss of Chicago
- Beth Patnode, home stager in Minneapolis and St. Paul
- Ines Hegedus-Garcia of Miamism
Yes, Linda, it was all HER fault! (Interesting pun, considering that Maureen hangs her license with Real Living HER.) You're right. The tenacity to keep writing is my fault, however.
Posted by: Bonnie Erickson | February 10, 2008 at 04:56 PM
So... we have Maureen to thank for your wonderful blog! But you get all the credit for the writing.
Posted by: Linda Davis | February 08, 2008 at 08:29 PM
Carole, It was when I was young and I didn't need sleep. Now I can't even watch a thriller movie without falling asleep!
Posted by: Bonnie Erickson | February 08, 2008 at 02:33 AM
I need to know how you stayed awake during the money destroying job. One summer I helped out a neighbor for 3 wks opening boxes of numbered computer papers. We had to count each page and make sure the totals matched the printed numbers; I think we both had trouble staying awake. You are such a creative communicator I guess I shouldn't be surprised the creative gene includes sewing masterpieces!
Posted by: Carole Cohen | February 07, 2008 at 02:53 AM
Maureen, Podcasting . . . must you continue with those flea bites?
Tracy, Yes, I had to dust off my meme, too. It's not like there's too much I haven't already shared!
Posted by: Bonnie Erickson | February 07, 2008 at 12:09 AM
Hi Bonnie,
It looks like I'll have to dust off my "meme" and tell you a little bit more about me!! I'll hop on it this afternoon!!
Posted by: Tracy Santrock | February 06, 2008 at 07:39 AM
"My most boring job was watching tellers count money designated for destruction at the Federal Reserve Bank. The tellers counted and we had to make sure they didn't steal any. "
I think there is a movie out about this now...
Thanks for being a sport.
Bonnie... podcasting have you tried podcasting? You'd be a natural at it...
Trying out for the position of fair podmother.
Posted by: Maureen M. | February 06, 2008 at 02:01 AM