• Bonnie Erickson, REALTORĀ® in the Minneapolis and Saint Paul area of Minnesota can be contacted by phone at 612-419-1829 or by e-mail


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February 06, 2008


Bonnie Erickson

Yes, Linda, it was all HER fault! (Interesting pun, considering that Maureen hangs her license with Real Living HER.) You're right. The tenacity to keep writing is my fault, however.

Linda Davis

So... we have Maureen to thank for your wonderful blog! But you get all the credit for the writing.

Bonnie Erickson

Carole, It was when I was young and I didn't need sleep. Now I can't even watch a thriller movie without falling asleep!

Carole Cohen

I need to know how you stayed awake during the money destroying job. One summer I helped out a neighbor for 3 wks opening boxes of numbered computer papers. We had to count each page and make sure the totals matched the printed numbers; I think we both had trouble staying awake. You are such a creative communicator I guess I shouldn't be surprised the creative gene includes sewing masterpieces!

Bonnie Erickson

Maureen, Podcasting . . . must you continue with those flea bites?

Tracy, Yes, I had to dust off my meme, too. It's not like there's too much I haven't already shared!

Tracy Santrock

Hi Bonnie,

It looks like I'll have to dust off my "meme" and tell you a little bit more about me!! I'll hop on it this afternoon!!

Maureen M.

"My most boring job was watching tellers count money designated for destruction at the Federal Reserve Bank. The tellers counted and we had to make sure they didn't steal any. "

I think there is a movie out about this now...

Thanks for being a sport.

Bonnie... podcasting have you tried podcasting? You'd be a natural at it...
Trying out for the position of fair podmother.

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