Eight hours of continuing education to renew my real estate license seems like a long haul all in one day. Real estate agents tend to like moving around a lot. Sitting in one chair for 8 hours without use of a computer or cell phone is a bit overwhelming for many. For me, it was especially a tough day as a tenant had awakened us the previous night with water spilling from his ceiling. The short night made for a difficult struggle with the sleep sheep during class!
The instructor was entertaining. Thank goodness! And experienced. Over 38 years in the business made him an expert. In addition, he chose real estate as his career right out of graduate school. He has worked all of his adult career as a real estate agent! Amazing!
So, I listened. Not just to the content of the course, but to his wisdom. Early in his career he realized that he didn't want to work with some clients. When asked to meet with a prospect, he sees it as a great opportunity to determine whether that client is a fit for HIM! If he feels the client is unreasonable or unrealistic in pricing, he chooses not to represent them.
The whole concept is liberating. In today's market if a client doesn't see that their St. Paul house has to be priced below the value of two years ago, what headaches could be saved for the agent if the agent chose not to work with that client. Instead of spending nights worrying about how to market a home that is overpriced, don't list it, was the elder's advice. Don't compromise your professional expertise just to get a commission that will never happen. If you walk away in the beginning, there will be another to replace that client who IS realistic. The realistic client is the one wants to devote time worrying about.
This elder REALTOR takes the reins in any interview and clearly tells the prospect that they, too, are being interviewed! What a novel idea!
I don’t think I worded that last post correctly. It seems to be missing an important “not”. I am willing to put in extra time on a listing, just not if its going to cost me another listing.
That’s a good quote.
Posted by: Greg Broadbent | May 19, 2008 at 01:24 PM
Greg, I think we all start out hoping to be able to help every prospective client and thinking we can. Reality sets in with experience and we realize "we can please some of the people some of the time, all of the people some of the time, but not all of the people all of the time"!
Posted by: Bonnie Erickson | May 18, 2008 at 09:34 PM
As a new agent I cant say I am willing to put a little extra time into each of my listings, mostly because I have the extra time. You are right though. I can tell when a client is going to be difficult and if I have another options ill take it.
Posted by: Greg Broadbent | May 18, 2008 at 07:59 PM