I know, I know. I have to stop using the word delightful. There are times, however, when delightful is the only term that fits the lifted feeling I have in a situation. Such was the case last weekend when TLH (the loving husband) and I attended a graduation open house. The honored graduate, a former neighbor, had been cared for by our oldest daughter in our former life. Subsequent moves separated our families geographically but not in spirit.
Like a computer, the refresh button quickly updated us on the current happenings in our respective family lives. As is often the case, a series of insignificant events combine to make life changing impact. Such was the story of Deb's life in the last two years. As a teacher without a contract, she sought other venues to share her love of children and training in education. She went to Ghana! Yes, that is the Ghana on the other side of the ocean in Africa! Without family, she joined a group from Global Volunteers to begin the venture of a lifetime.
With no suspicion of the impact this trip would have, Deb walked into a new world, a new phase of her own life, and another adventure. In the town of Senchi Ferry, Deb encountered a group of young people with minds eager to learn. With very little material wealth, the people she met had the very things that others spend tons of money to buy: contentment; gratitude for what they did have; community and belonging; and appreciation for life. But the classrooms were devoid of books or maps. The only teaching tools were a blackboard and chalk, the desks, and the teacher's ingenuity. It seemed unimaginable that the children had never seen a book!
Deb's return stateside began the foray into building a library for Senchi Ferry. Ever respectful of others, the first step was to make sure her aspirations for a library were something the village elders would want in their town. Two things happened on her second trip just months later. The village leaders met her warmly showing the location they had chosen for the library and plans for how it would be built. Her desire for a library was confirmed. Even more uplifting was the reaction from the children when Deb first presented the books she had brought from home. The children gathered round as she read, moving closer to see, and without realizing it, moving even deeper into Deb's heart.
The work of fund raising began. The proper non-profit status was achieved under the Global Volunteers umbrella and publicity began. Of the $50,000 budget anticipated to complete the project, $12,000 has already been donated. One class of fifth graders conducted their own fund raiser after hearing Deb's presentation. They collected 12 boxes of books to be shipped with Deb on her next trip! The project is underway with each one contributing in their own way.
If this project is of interest to you, additional information about Senchi Ferry and the library fund raiser can be found at the Senchi Ferry Library website. Arrangements to donate or to have Deb speak can be handled through the website as well.