Marketing a house for sale is a challenging business. As is apparent from the many permutations on the square boxes we call homes, what individuals like in a home is as varied as the people that occupy them. A real estate agent who takes a house listing has a dual challenge: to identify and appreciate why the seller/s bought the house and be able to convey some of that same enthusiasm for the house to potential home buyers.
The majority of home sellers love their houses. Many times selling the house feels like a loss. Just because the sellers like the house, doesn't mean their real estate agent is in love with it! The challenge for a real estate agent is to get beyond the liking or not liking of the house and present the home in a manner that will bring in buyers!
My way of dealing with this is to imagine myself in the home. What is here that attracts me? What is here that might attract a buyer? What is here that DID attract the seller? Sometimes sellers will write a little story of why they bought their home. Most times I have to do it for them!
Today was a perfect example of an epiphany experience for me with a new listing. The sellers were at work and I had stopped to deliver documents, flyers for the brochure box, and a booklet describing their neighborhood. Pictures taken before were done at sunset and the sunny weather today afforded much better clarity for new outside pictures. I walked around the yard without time pressure or having to converse with the owners. There was a peace about this place. It was teaming with life from the ducks in the lake to the chipmunk at the bird feeder to the fish swimming the channel. The bird calls beckoned to me. The walking path across the street was being used. It was quiet and I could feel the city being shed from my shoulders. Indeed, this was why the sellers had bought this house. It was a beautiful location.
My sense of peace was affirmed when I opened the door to leave this Maple Grove house. The male yellow headed blackbirds were eagerly eating the bird seed. They were close enough to see their individual feathers. I had never seen this species before. It was a great way to exit a home that was restful, secluded, and a true get-away from the hubbub of city life. Check out the bird calls and the video below and tell me what you think!