Smell is an issue in rental properties. One of my rental units that had been occupied for 18 years by a gentleman vacated the end of last month. The tenant probably saw the property change owners more times than each of the owners had tenants turn over! As everyone knows, 18 years is a long time to accumulate "stuff", and as landlord's know, quite often the unwanted "stuff" and lots of dirt are left behind. Such was the case in this unit as the pictures show.
Because my honey and I are the last owner in a long line of owners for this tenant, no deposit had been collected. We inherited a tenant who smoked; who had owned a cat; who only occupied the unit a few days a month (He lived elsewhere.); who was a pack rate; and who didn't clean house much! Previous owners had done NO upgrades or remodeling in his unit . . . possibly because they couldn't get past the "stuff". It's taken us several dumpsters of trash removal and several weeks of repair to get the unit back to our standards. The smoke smell is finally gone because every wall surface has been cleaned or repainted. The toilet has been replaced. The bottled water that had turned yellow was discarded! We can see out the windows and screens again.
This week we approached the finish line. We thought we were done with our part leaving just the carpet layer to do his work. No such luck! The carpet installer's nose (a very sensitive nose I might add) told him a cat had done its duty on the former carpet and the "duty" had soaked into the subfloor. The old carpet and pad were gone, but the smell was not. He suggested we not install the pad until we had treated all the cat spots with straight chlorine bleach! I was so hoping to have a night off, so hoping.
Four gallons of bleach rolled on the subfloor with a paint roller seems to have done the trick. The installer placed his stamp of approval on the smell (How could he smell anything but bleach?) and work will progress tomorrow. Thank goodness!
As a side note, the carpet layer measured when the unit was in it's original condition and he complimented us highly for the vast improvement we have created. It's one of my weaknesses. I won't rent a unit that I would not live in myself! Hopefully, this poor unit won't smell like bleach too many days into the future!